In ancient times, there was a great war between Nibiru, the Empire of the Sky, and Agartha, the Empire of the Deep. Whatever spark ignited that massacre is lost to history. Some say it was the overwhelming greed and pride of the sorcerer Ashurach, Nibiru's god-king. Some say it is the nature of those who dwell in the light to fear the others dwelling in the dark and the deep. But everyone knows the matchless power of Nibiru's vast empire, and the numberless swarms of the Agarthans. It was upon a landscape scarred and torn by endless battles that the city-states of Gerizim founded themselves. Now, the fields, the mountains and forests, and even the beaches are a borderland, the liminal world that separates the Above and the Below.

They are quiet now. Nibiru is long vanished, their sentries silent for millennia. The Agarthans rise from their hives but rarely, sending their soft-spoken emissaries to treat with the kings and princes of the surface world.

And yet...

Some say the war never ended.